Australian universities advise students awaiting visas to withdraw their applications:


According to the Department of Home Affairs, prospective students applying to universities in Australia are reportedly being advised to withdraw their applications before receiving their visas. This advice particularly targets students applying to the University of Wollongong and other unnamed universities, citing concerns about their ability to meet the new visa criteria outlined in the migration strategy.

Despite assurances from universities that withdrawing applications will result in a full refund of fees, stakeholders in India have cautioned that significant changes announced by the Australian government in December have yet to be fully implemented. These changes include the introduction of a new Genuine Student Test and the establishment of an integrity unit tasked with enhanced scrutiny.

The government’s strategy also involves the issuance of two ministerial directions. The first, which is yet to be introduced, will outline key considerations for decision-makers, such as an applicant’s academic or career progression. The second direction prioritizes student visa applications based on the risk level associated with the education provider. These measures were slated to take effect by the end of 2023, but finer details of the policy remain undisclosed, causing concern among Indian agency associations like AAERI.

The number of student visa holders has seen a significant decline, with over 90,000 fewer visas issued in the current financial year. Reports indicate challenges with visa rejections, including instances where immigration officials are reportedly assessing applications against the new Genuine Student Test, despite the absence of formal legislation. There are fears that some applications are being evaluated inconsistently, with some subjected to the new test while others adhere to the existing Genuine Temporary Entrant framework.

AAERI has highlighted concerns that institutions may be safeguarding their immigration risk ratings by advising students to withdraw their applications.


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