New Zealand Cracks Down on Immigration Costs: Visa Fees to Rise


The New Zealand government has announced significant increases to student visa fees and post-study work visa fees, effective October 1. The changes aim to make the immigration system self-funding and more efficient.

Student visa fees for non-Pacific countries will rise to NZD$750 while post-study work visa fees will more than double to NZD$1,670. The increases are part of a broader move to raise fees across almost all visa categories, expected to generate NZD$563 million over four years.

Immigration Minister Erica Stanford stated that the changes will shift the cost from taxpayers to those benefiting from the system. The new charges reflect the costs associated with visa processing, assessing and managing high-risk applications as well as increased compliance costs.

Pacific neighbors will continue to receive subsidized fees, while fees for other countries will remain competitive compared to Australia and the UK, according to reports. The government is confident that New Zealand will remain an attractive destination for international students.

The announcement follows Australia’s doubling of student visa fees in July. Stakeholders had previously expressed concerns that increased fees could deter students from countries with weaker currencies. The changes come after targeted consultation on proposed fee and levy rates began in April.

The fee increases aim to restore fiscal discipline and rebuild New Zealand’s economy. The government believes that those using and benefiting from the immigration system should cover its costs.


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