Scotland plans to attract more international students in 2024:


Scotland is actively pursuing an expansion of its international student population and aims to retain them after graduation. Scotland’s aim is outlined in its inaugural International Education Strategy (IES). This strategy seeks to showcase the excellence of its leading university research and economic prospects.

The key components of the strategy include attracting more international students and academic staff. Not only this, they are ready to provide support staff for their integration into Scotland’s workforce and nurture connections with the Scottish diaspora and alumni communities. Additionally, plans are underway to establish a Scottish Exchange Programme and launch a Talent Attraction and Migration Service later this year.

The collaboration with universities is built towards enhancing the diversity of Scotland’s international student body. Moreover, they wish to maximise the social and economic advantages of hosting international higher education institutions. This effort is crucial for positioning Scotland as a premier destination for international research and knowledge exchange.

The inflow of international students into Scottish higher education institutions has been steadily rising since 2013, with over 83,000 students from various countries attending universities in Scotland during the 2022–23 academic year. Although there has been a slight decrease in the total economic contribution of international students to the Scottish economy from £4.75 billion in 2021–22 to £4.2 billion in 2022–23, international students still play a significant role in Scotland’s economic landscape. On average, international students contribute between £10,000 and £30,000 annually for undergraduate programmes at Scottish universities, highlighting their substantial financial impact on the higher education sector.


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