International students studying in Canada demand unrestricted work hours:


Last year, due to a skilled labour shortage in Canada, the number of working hours for international tudents was capped. The main aim behind this regulation was to meet labour shortage demand. However, the regulation is going to expire on December 31, 2023.

IRCC is currently assessing the impact of the policy on the students, since there are claims that students have been taking advantage of the policy lately. In addition, whenever IRCC will make any developments in this assessment they will announce publicly.

According to Damanpreet Singh, International Students’ Commissioner at the Canadian Federation of Students, international students wish to prepare to work more hours. Further, he mentioned that living expenses are high in Canada, which is the influencing factor among students to work more hours. There are students who are in upper-level positions, and if, as per regulations, the number of working hours gets limited, then they might have to leave the job. Since those positions require full-time attention,

Students should concentrate on their coursework, according to previous opponents of the government’s decision to eliminate the restriction on work hours and provide unlimited work rights. Moreover, they argued that this decision will encourage “non-genuine” students to apply. In addition, applicants must demonstrate they have sufficient funds to sustain themselves in order to study in Canada.

There are additional concerns regarding the potential for exploitation among students due to the implementation of work-hour restrictions. Students may face the dilemma of either continuing to work illegally for unscrupulous employers for additional hours or being unable to afford to remain in Canada. “The temporary lifting of the 20-hour limit for off-campus work assists in solving Canada’s labour shortage and affords students the chance to gain more comprehensive work experience while they study,” said an IRCC spokesperson.


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